Bring your bricks to help rebuild the lives of Malagasy children and families.
Become a foster carer - we are actively looking for taiza carers in Madagascar to provide loving homes and families for Malagasy children. Contact us to find out more.
Volunteer your time - if you are Malagasy with a heart for Malagasy children and families you can volunteer with us and be part of our growing team.
Donate - Here's a little about how far your money can go:
£100 per month will provide wrap around support for a child and family in crisis. This amount will cover temporary foster care provision to keep a child safe while our social work team support the birth family to help them get out of the crisis. It includes a small business start-up package and social work support for the birth family to help get them back on their feet.
A one off £150 donation provides a small business start-up for a family struggling with poverty.
£200 per month will support a full time qualified social worker.
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